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Petal­clouds is a vast ki­netic in­stal­la­tion span­ning across the Cen­tral Gal­le­ria of the new Ter­mi­nal 4 of Changi Air­port in Sin­ga­pore.

The art­work evokes the im­pres­sion of clouds mov­ing slowly in the sky. The col­lec­tive chore­og­ra­phy of the six sculp­tures based on clas­si­cal sonata form re­sults in a synaes­thetic in­ter­play of form, light and music that can be seen from all around the ter­mi­nal.

The whole in­stal­la­tion spans over 200 me­ters across the Cen­tral Gal­le­ria, and is de­signed as an in­te­gral part of the space, cre­at­ing a con­nec­tion be­tween the “Pub­lic” and “Tran­sit” side of the ter­mi­nal. The six clouds con­sist of 16 beveled triangles, that are each sus­pended on two mo­tors. The wires are used to choreograph the move­ment of the el­e­ments as well as to animate the light­ing in­side them.

The highly in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary art­work Petal­clouds was comis­sioned by Changi Air­port Group Sin­ga­pore and de­vel­oped to­gether with my friends and colleagues from ART+COM studios, the con­tem­po­rary com­poser Ólafur Ar­nalds, the en­gi­neer­ing spe­cial­ists of MKT AG and the con­struc­tion team of Tak­e­naka Cor­po­ra­tion.


For first impressions of the installation at Changi Airport see this video.